What Services Are Provided?

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The IE-CHI, with the assistance of one consultant and member agency representatives, provide the following services to children and families:

  • Educate families on health coverage, utilization and children’s health issues.
  • Recruit and support the enrollment of children into appropriate health programs.
  • Advocate for health services, programs and funding to ensure children’s health care.
  • Develop innovative and collaborative models of service to ensure children’s health care.
  • Collect and maintain statistical data that reveals needs and services for future development of health care delivery models.

How we can help
The IE-CHI can provide legislators and other agencies the information, statistics, cost factors and compiling case studies to help make informed decisions regarding children’s health policies and service for their district and the state.

How you can help

  • Utilize the resources of the IE-CHI and its membership to stay educated on the issues and needs of the children and families in your district and the state.
  • Support effective methods of insuring children’s health coverage and services.
  • Create bi-partisan policies, programs and adequate funding to ensure the quality of health for every child in your district and the state.
  • Promote the IE-CHI through education, collaborative efforts and funding support.